Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Jan 1960, page 5

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vyoitg vv^iiEPr, RELIABLE^ woman _LIdesires housework By the' day. Phone TW, 5-9678, Newmarket,. clwl. RELIABLE woman will baby-sit - evenings aijd weekends. 'Rates 50c per hour till midnight and • 55c per hour thereafter. Phone TW 5-5605, Newmarket, after 5 p.m. .7 '• . » c2wl LOST LADY'S. black velvet -hat. Phone TW 5-2381, Newmarket, exten-- siori';i7. 'â- " -clwl BROWN . envelope containing two military picturesâ€"name on envelope. Finder please phone Queen's Hotel, PA 7-5513, Aurora. . T *lwl LADY'S Benrus_ Ejnbraceable writ watch, white gold, crystal crackcd, in vicinity of Shopping Plaza and. East ' Gwillimbury â€"Heights.------Phone T\V_ 5-9924, Newmarket; after~(3730'~p?f?r--- -V . clwl TRANSPORTATION-AVAILABLE .FROM Keswick, Queensville and Newmarket to downtown Toronto, arriving 8.15 a.m., returning 5.15 p.m. Phone GR 8-4367, Queensville. • • c3w! TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO AN SPOHTA TI ON; £#3"" Reg.-_. ericy Acresâ-  AjMraJIa" Queen"-;-" -way, Royal York or Muruco. Leaving 7 a.m., returning 5 p.m. Phone Pi\ 7-9134, Aurora. Mwl '-^"Ml A V E L v GOING OVERSEAS? WE sell passage on all Trans-Atlantic . Boat Lines (Cunard, C.P.R., etc.) Our information andâ€"servjee is reliable. Come in and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Best.. ' THE' BEST DRUG STORE , (Rexall) Newmarket, phone TW 5-4091 MERCHANDISE - NURSE'S UNIFORM CARRIED in stock $3.98 and up. Cotton nylon terrylene, exclusive agent for uniforms registered. Dawson's, opposite the P. O., Newmarket. tfl LIVESTOCK I-OR SALE 19 CHUNKS. Applv Peter Knc. tuck, Queensville.. clwl PUREBRED Yorkshire and Landrace boars, 9 months old. Alstf young gilts and boars. Apply Thos. Lqwndes, JCeswick, phone GR 6-5168. . *3wl "CHICKS -TRY the NEW Babcock Bessieâ€" the hen that lays the kind of eggs that housewives and egg grading stations prefer. _ Available every week from r'ieming Farms Limited, Mount Albert. c3wl POULTRY WANTED ' ALt, kinds of live poultry wanted. Any. amount. We will pay you -Toronto prices right at .your door. Phone RUssell 2-2089, .Toronto, evenings. HI POULTRY FOK SALE DRESSED turkeys' and roasting r"chtck>Wre7"> ' B'rawTi", "(t'eliveled. Leonard Selby, Shat'on. Phone GR 8-4327. Queensville. c2w52 YOU CAN'T BEAT THE VALUE OF HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS! Whether you wxtnl a chain saw for occasional wood cutting chores or, every use, Homelite'fias a model just right for- the purpose. Lightweight, rugged and • dependable, Homcli.te consistently deliver quality performance ot low"cask With full . powor in any cutting position, oasy â-  ifarIr in' 'ony type of weather " 'and ' Ihe flush-cut handle7fo£ flround-ldv'el cutting,' you can't beat the value-ofjp Homellte Chain 'Saw. Try one'..'. )^st • one todayl -,. -.WOOD FOR SALE iDRY-liiardwood, in : stove,- furnace arid -fireplace lengths: Delivered. Warren Graves, phone 345J2, Mount Albert. ----- tfl PETS FOR SALE. TROPICAL'and gold fish. Turtles,, bowls, tanks', and all supplies. ManyTpecial varieties. Laurie's Tropical Aquarium, 294 Cawthra Blvd., phone TW 5-4072, Newman ket. .-â- -"â€" ---'--- â- --__. jMX„ CANARIES, guaranteed singers, lew. females; budgies, males and females'. Cages, supplies, violets, gloxinias 50c each. Gold ,-hine-slone jewellery.___ __*lwl USED CARS FOR SALE CAR BUYERS BEFORE you buy your, new o -4ate-model_useiLcaLsee_us_ ahau our Low' Cost Financing Ser vicc. Available for either Deal e"r or Private Sales. RE> SMITH, INSURANCE, phone GI 8-4061, Queensville. - t 4<)53-EAIRLANK-se-dan,-automa tic, radio, clock, many cxtra." like new. Price $1,950. Plion 189, Mount Albert. clw 1950 DODGE deluxe sedan, grey in excellent condition. No rusl Reasonableâ€" Phone- TW. 5-4151 Newmarket. ~4 ~ *2w 1949;-FORD)f good motor. ' radic 'snow, tires. S150 o best offer. ' Phone PA 7-440! -&unotaaws--" j___cI w_ Al shape, have to sell. Plion TW 5-2964, Newmarket. ' c4w TRUCK FOR SALE 1952 DODGE truck. 1 ton pickup. excellent condition. 4 speed heavy dutv transmission. 5250 cash." Phone TW 5-2788, Newmarket. clwl MISCELLANEOUS REMOVAL SERVICE DEAD or crippled farm animals removed for sanitary disposal. Animals over 300 pounds removed free. Small collection charge for animals under 300 pounds. Phone COLLECT Newmarket TW 5-6112 or Toronto EMpire 3-3636. Gordon Young Ltd. ' tf ATTENTION FARMERS HIGHEST . prices for dead or crippled horses cattle or hogs, according lo size and condition Prompt service seven days a week. Phone UL 2-3891,' Ux-bridge. tfl DEAD STOCK "HIGHEST prices paid for dead or crippled horses, cattle ana hogs according to size and condition. Small animals removed freerâ€"-'- Call long-distance' ZENITH 32800 at no cost to you Kl) PECONI & SON LIMITED . Argyle, Ontario Call Anytime ^_ â-  tfl NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tile Estate of Letlcia Hodgins, late of the Town of Newmarket, In the County of York, Widow, Deceased. â-  CREDITORS of the above-named deceased, who died at the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontacio, on' or about the 13th day of August, 1957, are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee "Act tcf- seird l<5 I lie undersigned proof of their claims on or before the 23th day of January, 1960. after, which date, the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the Claims of which, the undersigned will then' have notice. DATED al Newmarket this 23rd day of December. A.D. 1959. .' Stiver, Vale, Peppialt and Erringlon, 195A Main Street, Newmarket, Ontario, Solicitors ion. the-â€" j --------- --/VdmnTtsiratoiT ' :. Bertram Walter' Sedore. gf - . ........C3.W.5.L TOWNSHIP OF NORTH GWILLIMBURY NOTICE PURSUANT to a resolution passed by'Municipal Council, the • 4th "day-of January, I960, ,'i.-.NOTICE is hereby given that any property owner or group of property owners desirous of obtaining street'lighting in front of their property are requested, to petition the North GWillim-bury Township Council for installation of same. i •• ALL costs of maintenance will be charged against the property owners whose names appear on petition,;.and said costs . will be collected in the same manner as other taxes; f W. Erwin Winch, Clerk. Belhaven. -' . c2wl | NOTICE I, Richard Pattenden. R. R. 1, Gormley, will hcnccforth not be responsible for any debts, or liabilities contracted in my name, or in (he name of my wife, by-my wife Annadcll Pattenden. -----------fiichard-Pattenden. c2w52 NOTICE The Directors of the Newmarket Cemetery Co. icspcctfully request Lot Owners to attend the annual meeting to be held in the- office of the iDeparlmcnt of Agriculture, 463 Botsford SV-v Newmarket, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 19, 1960. 8 p.m. Important -matters pertaining lo the cemetery will be discussed and the election of officers for the year 1960 will'take place". C. E..JIV;! Willis,...President. W, B. EpworUv-Sec.-Treas. BIRTHS .. YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL BROWN â€" On Sunday,.Jan. 3. 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown, Cedar Valley, a son. DAINESâ€"On Wednesday, Dec. 30. 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Lome Daines, Lake Wilcox, a daughter.--------â€" - :;..„ " DUNFORDâ€"On Thursday. Dec. 31, 1959. to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dunford. Sutton West, a daughter. DANYLUCK â€" On Thursday. Dec. 31, 1959. to Mr. and Mrs. I Wm. Danyluck, Roche's Point, a son. -â- -' FITZPATRICKâ€"On Friday. Jan. I I. 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip. -E,U? s.011â€" - HERWYNENâ€"On Monday, Dec. 23, 1959. tn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herwynen, Aurora, a daughter. HUNTLEY--â€" On Tuesdav, Dec.' 29, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Huntley,. Newmarket, a son. EVANSâ€"On Wednesday, Dec. 30. 1959. to Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, Queensville, a son. HEUVELMAN â€" On Saturday, Jan. 2. 1960. to Mr. and Mrs. _ Peter Heuvelman, Aurora, a son. MIDDLEKOOP â€" On Tuesday, Dcc. 29, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. ; Karl Middlekoop. Unionville, a I daughter. MILLERâ€"On Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller, Aurora,, twins, daughter and son. } - MYERS â€" On Friday. Jan 1, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. -Carl Myers, R.R. I, Keswick, a soil. PROVOST â€" On Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Portland Provost, Lake Wilcox, a daugli-tcr. - . ' . PITCHER-On Tuesdav. Dec. 29. 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pitcher, Newmarket, a daughter. ROGERS - On Thursday. Dec. 31, 1959, lo Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Rogers, Richmond Hill, a daugiiter. SMIT â€" On Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1959, to" Mr and Mrs. John Split, Richmond Hill, a daughter. TOWNSENDâ€"On Tuesday; Dec. 29, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Townsend, R. R.- 1, Gilford, a son. THEOBALDâ€"On Wednesday, Dec. -30. 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. James Thedba.ld, Keswick, "a son. DEATHS BAINESâ€"At. Keswick, on Mon-dav, Jail. 4 196b, Anilic Pov.-kc, wife of the Tate John E.- Baines, ill her'80th year, mother of Mrs. , Thomas I. Johnston (Joan), Resting at . her residence. Kcs-wick, until Thursday. â€"TuneKil service . iii Christ's Church, Roche's Point. IntcrmeYit Christ's Church graveyard. BURLING At Newmarket hospital Tin Saturday, Jan. 2, 1960. Claudia Smith, formerly of Schomberg, in her 90th- • year; wife of the late WH'iam Burling and motherâ€"ofâ€"Marjorie (Mrs. Duncan McArthur) of Bond Head. Service was held on Tucs-; day, Jan. 5. Interment Schoni-| berg Union cemetery. GREENWOOD7-A1 the Cottage hospital, Uxbridge, on. Saturday. Jan. .2, 1960, .Bella Shiet. wife -of-Charles Grctnw'jbo'd of Pcffey-law and mother of Harold dt Coldwater and Fred of Uxbridge, in her 58th year. Service was held on Monday, Jan. 4. Inter-ment Hart's cemetery. Wilfrid. HILL â€" Al his residence, 111 Main St.. Newmarket, on Sunday, Jan. 3 1060, Walter Ralph Hiilr son of the late Charlotte and Wilmot Hill and brother of Viola.__Stmvicc_was Jield-on.AVcd- nesday, Jan. 6. Interment Queensville cemetery. HILLâ€"At his home, 86 Wellington St. E., Aurora, on Monday, Jan. 4, 19/10, John Hill, husband of Marv/Ann Broom and father of Phyllis (Mrs. Harry Consilt). Kluey's Bay; Frank, Aurora; Percy. Lindsay; Rev. Roland Hill, Toronto: and Arthur, All--napolis Valley, N.S.:'iii his 84th year: ^ Seeviee-\viis.^e!(i,-AiS_Wi>d- nesday, Jan.-6. -Interment^ Aurora cemetery. CARREYâ€"At St. Joseph's hos: pital. on Friday, Jan. I, 1960. Frank Carrcv, husband of Angelina Sauve, 251 Langdowne Ave., father of Armand, Mrs. P. G. Griffith (Will)) of Toronto and Percy of Keswick: btuLber-of Peter, Ernest, Eugene, Norman, Mrs. ,A. Chouinard (Lena) and Army. Service was held on Tuesday, Jan. 5. Interment- Holy Cross cemetery. PYOTT â€" At her residence. 27 Lockwood Rd., Toronto, on Wednesday. Dec, 30, 1959, Evelyn Gertrude Willis, in her 57th year; wife of Frank Pyott, mother of Doreen (Mrs. R. M. Pollock), Newmarket. Greta (Mrs. D. I Poole), Frank Jr., of Toronto, Ralph of Gait arid Donna of Toronto. Service was held on Saturday, Jan. 2. IN MEM0RIAM BLACKBURNâ€"In loving memory of a dear son and brother,. Ronald Blackburn, who passed away suddenly Jan. 5, 1946: We tfi'asuie stjll with love sin^ â€" _ccre,_â-  , -j , .' _ . '. • Beautiful memories of one so dear. Lovingly remembered by Dad. Mom, brothers and -sister. *=" BOOTHâ€"In loving memory "of a J. dear father and .grandfather, Douglas, who passed away Jan. 15, 1959. He is gone, but not forgotten, And as dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts nf him are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound is healed, But tlicy little know t(ie sorrow That lies , in tilt-heart concealed. Lovingly remembered by Betty and Bob and grandchildren Betty Ann, John._and Doug. CRONEâ€"In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Roe Crone, who passed away Jan. 15, 1959. JUboking-back with inemoiics. . Upon the path you trod, We bless the years'we had with -'• you 1 . And leave the rest lo God. .Ever remembered by Muriel, . Jack and grandchildren- Allan. • Terry and Patsy. McGRAWâ€"In'loving memory or mv brother Tony, who passed away Jan. 10, 1959. ~ 1 Not now, but in the coming years li the t)etnrr land; We'll read ihe weaning" of oyr •-- tears An<U-thc>ie~s(Hni'tii)ier-w(!'ll- uji-r- - - dersland. r ----- Evei- remembered â€"by sister, Marie and family. , IN MEMORIAM KYDDâ€"In lOviiig memory of ourj dt>rlinfc.ha«fc-^jrhii :Ma'rie Lilliaii, --' who left .us January>?rT957. If we had all the- world^to give,-; .We'd-give it. ycsV-.and more, ' To hear her coos, see her smiles And watch her grow once more. But all we can do, dear Lynn, , . Is go and tciM your grave, • Arid ieave bfllund tokens of love For ihe sweetest star God over made. ~â€"j-----j--- We Ii- to think when done. Wherever heaven may be. She'll be shining at the door ~ Up there to welcome us. Sadly missed and never forgotten by Mommv' and Daddy. Valerie. Rsger anQ Ronnie. McGRAWâ€"In loving memory of our dearly loved only son and brother. Anthony McGraw, who was killed at.Davis Dr. Railroad' Ncwniarkel on Jan. JO, 1959. SwiCtlv and silcntrv came the call Without good-by he left us all; He had a cheery smile, a pleasant way, -Aâ€"helpingâ€"handâ€"to-allâ€"he-knewr He was =o kind, so generous and true, On earth he nobly did his best, Gralit him Jesus heavenly rest. God wi|l link the missing chain As one'by one we'll meet again. .Always in our thoughts. .y Mum and Dad. McGRAWâ€"In memory of a dear husband and fathpr, Anthony .-' who passed away Jan. 10, 1959. r > i. • knew .when wc-woke ' ., that tnot;n, The sorrow'the day would bring; J-.'or I hi: call-.w-a.s .sud(loiv_lhc . -. shock severe To part wi.tjr.Jjie one we loi^d ;..â- -. j-ftideai:.-T'--J*- â€":.....â€"1'..'...":„ Earla, Pal and Maureen. McGRAWâ€"In loving memory ol our dear son-in-law, Tony, who was accidentally killed Jan. 10, 1939. : â-  SometiriiesTir is hard to understand t Why some things have to be; , In His wisdom God has- plannc'd Be.yond our powers lo see. Always remembered by mother and dad Sealon. MOLYNEAUXâ€"In loving memory ol a dear husband and father, John Hamilton MST^'ticauxj ,\vhoi passed ,away January .3, 1951. The world may change from year to year â-  And friends from day to day; But never.will the one we loved From memory pass away. Always remembered by wife and family. ...... ROSEâ€"In .oving -memory of a _dear_ soil • and brother. Dennis Gary Rose;' who passed away Dpc. 23. 1954. Five years since Ihe sad day. The one we loved was called ...away; . â- ' .: God took him home, it was his . will, . __.'._L______ ..•'-'.Always remembered by Mother. Father, ^islets" and broth; crs. ' ••-' . . - Clwl CARD OF THANKS We wish lo express our sincere -appreciationâ€"to -ourâ€"neighbors, friends and relatives, for their kindness during our" recent be-, refivemciit in the loss* of a dea'u. son and brother. Abbott Family. CARD OF THANKS I would like to say thank .you to all my dear friends who were so kind to me and my family during mv long stay in hospital. Special thanks to the Christian Baptist Church, • and all other organizations of the church, for' their prayers, cards and gifts which were showered upon me in prodigious prodigality. Once again may I say thank you very very much on behalf of my family and myself._May God , bless r-ach and every one and grant you all peace, prosperity and health in the New Year.' Ivo and Lila Rtimpi and family. ' '* '.-_'• ' CARD OF THANKS - I .would like to'express my sin-crro thank.sâ€"lo-tlie Aurora and Newmarket -Fire- Brigades for their efficient work, also to my friends and neighbors for their help on New Year's Day when iny house was damaged by fire. Special thanks to Mrâ€"SaiiLGib^ jiey who <fiscover(:d_lhe.TireJ.___H â-  â€"-'â- '- ' .-_[{.•,ndall .Chapman. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson wislr .to inank jhoir friends, neigliTjors and" relatives for-tjic lovely* gifts flowers and cards on Ihe -occasion, ot (heir 50th wedding, anniversary, also those who helped at that lime. CARD OF THANKS Wi- wisji <o thank our friends-, neighbors', ihe W.A. and Sharon Hobby Club for their-, lovely cards, plant:- and baskots/if'fruil. George and-Annie Barker.- CARD OF THANKS-Rev. and Mrs. Henry Cntlon, of St. Andrew's-Clnircli; Peter-, borough, wislflo ill ail k' Iheir many friends in Newmarket for Iheir floral tributes, cards and letters in the rcccpi. bereave-, incut which has come, to" them and tlVefr family. , , â- , I wish lp ekte'iul ~my. sincere â-  ii" . hi my relatives,"neighbors and friends fo.' their kindness . Iiown to oie during".my. stay in York Counly-Hospilal. aticLafictL I ietlirned home. Also many â-  hanks to" the nurses, and Dr. Case. • ' . ' . ^ ._____; â€"-â€"â€" ueavui. (;riui'tcnK-i;\v.s (,'lttircii of the Na/.arene,- -iMoirnt-Altifrt „,--:â€"â€"______, Special mVutjtlgs of ,tbe';On--lorio TIolini'«<;--Federation. York Dis.l rie.l,-.- will be,...hel(l; -in-Mount Albert-' Chjirt'li of Ihe -Nazarene il 2„lli and' 8 Monday, JaiK . , .. ' -' ,|tev, George Failing,' Marion. Indiana, editor, of the Wei ley an Mcth'odjsl Church paper! willyfe: the guest speaker at "Both sft-Vicfts. -Tlie' Henderson si.Mers will sing in l.he Dvejiinlf an'cf everyone is most welcome lo jtterid. QUEENSVILLE May the Light that shines at Christmas never go out in this New'Year. Mr. and Mrs. J, -L.'Smith enter-taine'd' guests on New. Year's DaS'. , '"".Paslor and Mrs. C. llalj' have ; returned (roi'ji a" "trip, to New Brunswick.- - ' | 'Regular services will be held hi the Baptist Cfiurch at Maple Hill at 11; a.m.- and' at Queensville at 7.30 p.m.* ' ' / _ Mrs. Elinor • Slickwotfd, Miss Elsie- Huntley, Mr. W. Huntley, and Mr. M. Huntley attended, the wedding of Miss-Marjorie Lepard in Brantford on Saturday. Dec. 2 IS. Mr. and. Mrs. C.-Milstcad and Cliai-lcno, Gormley! were Christmas guests of Mijs P. Gynne and. Miss Laura Hulse. Christmas Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stickwood 'were Mr.-and Mrs. II. B. Stick-\l'ood and Larry, and Miss Jane Hughes, Madoc. • v . Mrs. G. W. Th'om and daughter, Barbara, Toronto, were, Sunday visitors witlPMiss P. Gynne apt! Miss Laura Hulse. Mr. and Mrs. C. -Haines and family, Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. W, McClurg and family. Port Credit, Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Glover, Sutton "West were Sunday visitors Willi Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stickwood. The regular meeting of the Queensville WI was held on Wed n'esday, Dec. 30 at the home of Mrs. 11. Leadbetler, with Mrs Stan Eves presiding. Roll-call was answered by naming and showing a keepsake. Mrs. Svd; aiev^'iliompson.. repliedâ€"to -the motto which was praise loudly ChiTstmasN stories. The program 'was in charge of members and grandmothers.. Lunch was served at the. close of-the meetiiig.----- The regular., meeting of the -afternoon auxiliary-of the WMS of the United Church was held on Wednesday. Dec. 17 al the home of Mrs. Fred Wcddel. -Mrs. Klmoi-Stickwood presided at a full business period of this last meeting, of the year. A Christmas program followed and the slate of I960 officers-was presented. Heading the organization (or the .coming year arc;. Past President. Mrs. Bert Dike. President, Mrs. Elmer Stickwood; First vice-president. Mrs. J. L. Smith; Second vice-president, Mrs. Fred We'd del; Secretary, Mrs.. Herb Kershaw; Treasurer, Mrs. Wilbert Dew; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Fred Wcddel; Secretary for the Stewardship, Mis. Sidney -Thompson-; ~fcit era t urc ^seere t a ry Mrs. R. Lewis; Citizenship secretary. Mrs.JDike; Supply secretary, Mrs. Slallibrass; Community Iriciidship^ associate members and mite boxes,.Mrs. J. Pinder, Mrs. G. Shipmnn and Mrs. StallLbrass; Missionary monthly, Mrs. J. Pinder; Press correspondent, Mrs. Sydney Thompson; Orgatiisls; Mrs.. J. L. Smith. Mrs. Slallibrass; I Card secretary, Mrs. F. Johnston; j Auditors, Mrs. Ma.U'dc, Mrs. Pearson. * ST. PAUL'S ELECTS W.A. OFFICERS St. Paul's W.A. evening branch held their January meeting on Monday. The.Jnslallation of officers was held, and reports were received from all committee, â- chairmen.___â€" â€" â-  , ;'- The installation of officers' was conducted by Canon J. T. Rhodes and are as follows: Past Pres., Mrs. Gordon Commissiong; Pres., Mrs. J. Burton; Sec'., Mrs. M. J. Kiofei^Treasurer.Jvlrsâ€"Gâ€"Aulu. strong; Dorcas sec., Mrs. T. Gillespie; Living Message sec., Mrs. G.'. Gray; Social Convener, Mrs. F:;R. Richardson; Press," Mrs. B. A. Bttdd. A chapter study of the Book of Africa was. taken by Canon- Rhodes and refreshments wci'ertan vcd at Ihc. cnnclusion of the "program.' News of E.G. Heights Joyce Johnson 99 Septonne Ave. TW 5-2581 Mr. and Mrs. K. Coughlin and family' Visited recently ' Mr. Cougiilin's brdlher and sister-irf-law, Mr. arid Mrs. H. Coughlin, Thistlelown. â€" •- Bryan Graham, Seploiine Ave., "iias-ielurned home after spending Ills Christmas vacation with his aunt and uncle and cousin,' Mr. mrd -Mrsr N.v waislnmd-jtetl Jfr Weston. Birthday wishes In Patricia Holloran, Walter Ave . wHo "vvai II years old December 22. Nine 'gupsts attrndc-d hnP"pni;ty.~ ' - .Air. and - Mrs. Er Cotighliir and* fainily, I.Ongford Dr r attended "the " Ba'pTisiii oL/tlifir- nephew,-â- " _Wiltlam -Stewart Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Thbiiips'on, Willowdalc. " â-  ' ' : - Mr.- and Mi'K H- t^rahani an<r farmiIy, Serironile. Ave.. " visited Mrs. Graham's biother-in-taw-and sister. Mr: and"Mis. E. Pelrcseu£ and ffunTl?7 Port:Credit; on Sunday. .. ., ; - . •-.•-:• Mr. and Mrs. . A. Wadsworth, Ncvebury Dr., held opcm house at their home New Year's Day. Those'attending \yerc Iheir rielgli-bors and friends froDi-lhu-Toronto Artillery- rSerfjeaiit Mess. . Ap-'prroMTnarpiy '40 guests attended. jLBirthday wishes to "V^Rrfe Shtilli. Seplonne Ave., Who will be four years old.January tp- • Miss L. PrAulx-; Cherryw.o'od; Drrr has returned home aVtor Visiting-friends and relatives dulling the It'olftlayf Mtva^nd M rs.. L. Know 1 es,. Scp-lorinr Ave., visited Mr, ^nri Mry: R. Richmond, Port Credit; during the weekend. Mrs, Helen'Wadsworth, Toronto, is visititjg her'-sori and daughter-in-law, 'Mr. and-Mcs.-A. Wads-worth, Newbury br. W.I. News The monthly meeting of Union Street branch will be held at the home of Mrs.- David English oil January 7. : The motto,:"Stop-'h minute . and say hello as. .down life's road, you snibotlily go", will be replic;! to bV Mrs. E. Callen.-der. I 'p. ' •• Roll calf will be. answered by naming your birth month, birth-; stoiic and fiowfcr of the month. The program will be supplied'by the - visiting Institute fiom QucensvijleV Hostesses are: north groupi xsand\yiches; souili group, cookies. - ,-â- '--.â-  .-, - -The- Sharon'"blanch will hold, its' January -meeting in" Sharori Hall 'on -January 6 at 2.30, p,'m. Roll catlv -a current event. Mcni-bers.of the- MduiH Albert branch Will be our,^gues'ts arid provide the p^oj^ani^ Alt"members are urged to be "present. ••. King City. Branch â€" "Ail open ', meeting available to .everyone', in the coiiimu'iiily jvill be given ^y Kirig branch to iiear-an-illus- -tra'ted address by Mrs. Hardy Hill, Richmond Hill, al King City Presbyterian c li u'r c h, Tuesday -evening, Jan, 14; An observer of World Refugee Camps on a trip around the world,' Mrs.' Hill will relate hcr' cS'-" periences and O'ontaeW and. show lie.r-own films. " The silver collection at the door will go to the World Refugee Year funds.'--Mrs.. Gordon Orr will sing. The program is in charge o( Mrs. Don McCallum'and Mrs,'Ted Munroc. Era and Express Classifieds bring results PH. TW. 5*2331 f~ Hours: 9.00 a.m, to 5.30 p.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENJ-Mjiin St., Mount Albert Sunday Schoolâ€"-3 p.m. . . -F.van'gelistieâ€"set-viceâ€"7:30â€"vniiir-Young People'sâ€"Friday,, 8 p.m Rev. Earl Wliitmorc, Minister EAST GWH.LIMI5URY HEIGHTS UNITED CHURCH Meeting In East Gwillimhtiry Public School Public worshipâ€"11.15 a.m. Sunday Schoolâ€"11.15 for all departments. A cordial welcome lo all. CHRISTIAN REFORMED . CIIUKCH '-•141 Millard Avenue, NcwnVitrJtet-â€"Pastor^â€" Rev.â€"Dâ€"NrHaTjcrnichl 196 Parkview Crescent Phone TW 5-1680 111 a.m.â€"English worship 11.13 a.m.â€"Sunday school. 7.15 p.m.â€"Dutch worship^ .' Radio Broadcast Sunday .8.30 a. m; CFRB Toronto; "Back to God Hour". __; '.-, PARKSIDE TABERNACLE Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies. ___53;JParKside Dr. --; Mâ€"-'N'ewniarkrt" ^ ittMUnyâ€"lO-a.nV,â€"Sunday schooI: 11â€"Morning Worship^. 7 p.m.â€"Evangelistic service. -Tuesday, 8 p.m',â€"Prayer and_ Itiblo -study. r -rv;. â€" :â€"-â- Friday. 8 p.m.â€"Ai; enthusiastic Youth service, i_ Our welcome is sincci^. • Pastor: Rev; R. W. Running FRIENDS' MEETING â€"S .'.'.' ."â€" Botsford. Street 11 ;i-ni.--Mpetin'g for worslup,. followed by Monthly" Mcetyig. Come and.worship 'jwith â-  lis. All welcome. ' - ~ "H we'walk , wilh-God, wc can go through this -year without feair' "' ~ - - -" v^, - Organist - Miss June Ilairfes' Musical Dlrcetorâ€"Jobn Swindell 10â€"Bible s'cliool^ " ' ~ 11 a.til.â€"Morning worship, t- â€" ^f-^p.-niâ€"EyarigelCTc .service;â€": 8 p.m.- JVloridayâ€"Yo11rig- PeoPIf' ~ service.- â- â-  . â-  â-  8â€"Missionary--- mett TRINITY UNITED "CHURCH â€" > Minister Itcv. Ulincah-\Vlil(e. M -A'.. â-  B.D. • -,-r-MUSIO Director Leon B. Nash, A.R.C.T,. K.M.T. 1st' Sunday after .Epiphany. 9.45 a.m.â€"Senior and Junior .-- Sunday School,. -' '•. II a.m.,â€"Nursery and.Creche. 11.-20 ii:mâ€"Primary, Kindcrgar- gaii/.'n and-Junior" congrega-. Ration! . ', .';' • 11 a.m.â€"Scri\ion: '^Vh<?n God - -ILWasi'Afuazcd,".'..: â- ' , 'â€"1â€"-7, p.m.â€"W.M.vS. Installation ,'seii. vice. . Film: "I'll .'gihg; 'Not-crvi.v: •. .-;: (. • -' â€"r- • "A^l are wfcleonte at Trinity . , .FA1TII TABERNACLE . Located in Fire Hall, Ncwmaruct Sunday-Schoolâ€"10 a.m-.* ' Special prayer for the "sick". ' , We.invite you to .attend.' -"'. JPastor: Albert S. Rogers Phone TtV 5-2830 A man of'faith .and power. i ALL SAINTS'rr ^ANGLICAN CHURCH .--' KING Rev. E. II, Gostigan . 8.00 a.m.â€"Holy 'Communion every Sunday. 10.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer. lloly Communion Fir.-il Sunday; 11.10 a.m.â€"Sunday school. YICXORX- It A I'T'IHT CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches ' Corners A'rlhur and Newton Sts. .. . - Newmarket Pastor: G. E. Barton. 9.15 a in.â€"Sunday scliotJl classes â-  for all. ... ;_.. â- -'r" . - 11 a.m.â€"Morning WorslirprT-" •. 7 p.m.â€"Evening service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.â€"Prayer' - : -Meeting , *' ' GRACE CHURCH ' . 373 Botsford St.. . â€"Pastor-^- - Rev,_A. R. -Yic.ldlng~ 9.45 . a.|iv-.-.Billlilâ€"sellool for, all - "Cm gCS;=râ€"-;"= ---- -â€">- II a.m.-r-The paslor in*, a study in the Book of Acts. -. "7 p.m. â€" The ^pastor's subjcc|:- -" "Where Can We-Go?" Mrs. Pat Bundock, guesLsoloisI, To--'. ronlo."..... ' ..â- â€¢ .. '.- â-  Wednesday, 8 p.m.â€"Bible study and prayer. Thursday, 8.30 .p.m. -^ .Cottage • Bible study at -370 Timoihy-St.' Radio brpadcait"'l0:30??Very Sunday morning CFOR. --'- • V Always a welcome at .-.,' -' Grace ChurcJ). ' . FREE METHODlST CHURCIIT" Rev. cnV. Reynolds, Ministerâ€"Sundayâ€"school- forâ€"allâ€" . ages. "* " . " 11 a.m.â€"Monung-:w'6rship. - Communion. - _t_ 7 p.m.â€"Evangelistic se'rvicc,- • Commencing Thursday, ' jnn.;-.7, â-  lo'Suiiday,. Jan.. 10. inclusive. ---Evangelism Gdlivention.-- l!ev-. -W. J. Stohehouse, Conf. supt-, . â€"and ministers-of^thc-^District,â€" guest, speakers-"7' ' -"â€"- â€" . Your Are' Welcome. - ST.-ANDREW'S . '-' .'-.....rRKSBYJ'iERLVNJGlIUKCil At_Juuctlon-of-EagIc_and=i= r- -- Main Street "'..' -aiiriiaerâ€"Htrr H.-Hr-Marlfr-HLAT-r-TK a.m.â€"Jv^orning"worsliip. - ' â- AC'h-rch has need of -.'.You:""? .-. tl-a.m.â€"Nursery school.' - -9.45-a.m.-â€"Sunday, school.-. Rational meetings-Monday, Jail.- ll>;8...p.iii.--Kirk , session meejuu!. - c- * - T AIl^-wCicomiS'.-'Tr.-j-. 'r CHRISTIAN HAIWIST fillUHOll. Main St ' Neivmarket • Minister Rev. Fred Brcckon.. Org.nilAt-.-,Mr, D.-tVld Pctutcy 1 jâ€"a.ln.â€"Morning worshipâ€"'-'God- iâ€"Keeping Man Qrii.His Feet"'.__;. 2,!i0 p.m.â€"Sunday Sthool, . . .;• 7. p.m.â€"Th'e evening eospel^and.^ ; "song-'lervice., - .. '.'.' ; All wele.oitiiti'.. 4 - "i .'â- 

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