Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Jan 1960, page 8

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How much of your first $100,000.00 will you save by next New Year? That's right â€" your you'll likely tarn more than that during )our workii>| years. Question is: how much will you kee[>? Righc noil' is the time to resolve to keep a larger part of what you earn throughout this new year. And the place to keep it is in a B of M Savings Account. Make saving every pay-day your No. 1 N£w Year' resolution this year. The B of M can't help you >esolveto stop eating between meals or get you to work on time, but it can help you save. Why not »tarc your account tomorrow at_______ "MY BANK" â€" it's a good place to accumulate a portion of the vast sum you will earn during your working years. It takes just one dollar â€" and three minutes'â€"to open your B of M Savings Account. Here's it resolution-â-  keeper ... Ask at your neighbourhood B of M branch foe a copy of our "" booklet "Blue-Print (or •Successful Personal and Family Financing". It will show you how to make up a workable budget that will keep your New Year'* resolution intact. Bank of Montreal • "" gW Newmarket Branch: ALEX DAI.GAKNO, Manager Aurora Branch: KKNNKTH FLETT, Manager working with' Canadians in. every walk of life since iai7 ' "" O-JOftS WHY MAKE A NAIL IN CANADA... ... or a radio, or a stove, or a car, or any of the thousands of products manufactured by Canadian Workmen? . ... _ By makmgâ€"thesd things our?elves,„we have earned"* standard of living, admired throughout v the; world. Nearly half of all employed Canadians woi-k in manufacturing. Without our factories we7would be priricipally emplbyed in producing - raw luaterialsTfor Other nations to process. We enjoy opr present way of life because we , work not only, on the land but also in modern- * . ---One"-way-"to-niaiiit&iH thts~i»~to buy Canaclian- made goods. • •. • '• .'. ,-.'r'" • • STEEl COMPANYOF CANADA Limited MOHTREAL GAHAH0QUE HAMILTON . BRANTFORD TORONTO Canadian-made steel from Canadian-owned plants Canadians Help Feed World's Hungry People Four million food packages will be distributed by CARE to hungry peoples around the world in the relief organization's 1959 Food Crusade. A contribution of $1 per package from generous Canadians and Americans will make this mass relief project possible. Each package contains 22 lbs. of surplus food : . . milk powder, flour and coin' meal . . . given to .CARE- by }he .Canadian and U.S. governments ' from our farm abundance. The food package is enough \o supplement the diet of four persons for one month. People who will be fed from CARE's Food Crusade program include refugees, undernourished school children, orphans, disaster • victims, destitute families, the aged and the sick in 15 countries; Columbia, Ecuador, Haiti. West Germany, Greece, Guatemala. Hong Kong, India. Iran, Italy, Korea, Pakistan,, Poland, Turkey. and .Yugoslavia___CARE'S staff members in each area supervise deliveries solely on the, basis of greatest need. In addition, to make help more j effective. CARE buys items such ( as 'rice, margarine, beans and i meat to match nutritional needs I in various areas. Costs of p.aclcr.; ing. supplementary buying and delivery are then balanced so thai every SI donated covets one: Poc<}-Cruatisic 'packa-gc^te^-d-on-^ country conditions. Cjis&enlsj and weights vary accordingly. A j, typical-farm-food package, for; Greece, contains 4'i lbs. milk, i powder, to make 18 quarts; 10: lbs., flour and 10 lbs. corn meal, j Every package is delivered j with the rame and address of) the contributing individual or! group, to tell the recipients that I Canadians, and Canada, are their|. friends. Paul J. Courian, Director of CATtEo'f "Canada, urged Caiia'-T dians during the holiday season; to spread the spirit of brother-' hood across the earth as well as at home and send a message of hope and courage to our less fortunate fellow beings abroad. Contributions in any amount call be sent to. CARE of Canada. Ottawa, and an official receipt will be issued. DEFICIENCY PAYMENTS FOR HOGS The announcement by the Minister of Agriculture on October 21st that a deficiency payments program for hogs will commence on January 11th next, indicated that the basis of operation will be as follows: 1. Deficiency payments to any one producer during a 12-month period will bo limited to total marketing of 100 grade A and grade B hogs. 2. To be eligible for the payments. producers must market their hogs through federally inspected or approved grading establishments. 3. The Board will establish a national average market price which is calculated to be equivalent to the support price of $23.65 per 100 lb. for Grade A hogs at Toronto. This will be used to determine the amount of deficiency payment. 4. There will a uniform rate of payment to producers in all parts of the'couii-i try, regardless of !he acUtSPiiiav--received- by individual J producers. i, 5. Payments will be calculated j on an -annual basis, but eonsid* : eration will be given to making ! an interim paymenPif tlfc avef-j'age market price falls substan-j tially below the support price [ during the period. 6. Payments.will be made only ! to registered hog producers, and | registration will be limited to bona fide, farmers, exclusive of commercial organizations.. j Registration ot producers," pf(f-â-  paratory to the commencement of the program, .lias been underway for some time. Registration cards completed by producers will be forwarded to a data-pro- cessing unit set up by the Department of Agriculture in Ottawa. Only one registration is permissible for each hod-producing enterprise. As hogs are marketed, a copy of each settlement form will be forwarded to the data-processing unit, and an. accumulative total maintained of the number of hogs eligible for payments which are marketed by all eligible producers, each of whom will be alloted a registration number. LOTS OF WARM WATER FOR COWS IN WINTER Make sure water is readily available and about 35 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter, say livestock experts with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. A cow will take an average of 10 drinks a day if she has free access to water. The average dairy cow drinks about 12 gallons of water a day and a heavy milker might need as much as 30 gallons â€" proof enough that to get top milk production (milk contains 87 percent water) your cows need plenty of water. Small Accidents Are Expensive- Each year, "little" accidents which seldom make the headlines cost Canadians more than $3,000,000 according to the All Canada Insurance Federation. Many of these accidents occur during the winter and most could be avoided through care and attention. The Federation, which represents more than 250 Canadian fire, casualty and automobile insurance companies, makes these recommendations for winter safety around the home: 1. Keep sidewalks shovelled pnd clear of ice and snow at all times. 2.-Check exterior stairways and entrances for loose boards, -naiis-and o'. her-d is-repairâ€"which, might cause injury. 3. Clear large icicles froni the eaves fbey can c?use serious injury when they fall. 4. Make sure that snow shovels, gaiden rakes, children's toys and similar items are kept clear of walks and not hidden .UXid.ecS^deeeptixc. layeX-Of snow.- 5. Cover accessible steam and hot water pipes which might cause burns- to the unwary. 6. Keep children away from -portable-heatei's.-stoves-and-fireplaces. i 7. Keep, hot ashes, in a metaL containerâ€"never in cardboard or wooden boxes. , â-  8. Don't ict children play hockey or other, winter games-on or near the street. HUNTING LICENCES INCREASE Maple. â€" During the pheasant season, regulated townships in Lake Simcoe District sold approximately 6,400 township hunting licences, 800 more than last year. J.S. Dorland, of the-Ontario Department' of Lands and Forests office here, reported that the main increase was in Markham when 1,100 non-resident licences accounted for 700 of the total increase in licence sales for the district. The 1,769 hunters checked took 780 pheasants â€" 529 cocks and 251 hens. Conservation Corner By George Haskett There were many indications in 1959 that Canadians were, becoming more conservation conscious. On the local scene for instance town council gave assent to having the Upper Holland Valley Authority proceed with the proposed Fairy Lake development. This work is expected to get underway in 1960. Figures announced this week by Lands and Forest Minister Spooner indicate an impressive increase of 59 per cent in Hise of provincial parks this year. Figures, available show 5,128,-000 visits to parks in 1959 compared wfth 3,232,000 in 1958. Newmarket council • forwarded a request to York County Council to approach provincial authorities, requesting consideration of Gle'nville district for a provincial park. County authorities are reported to have acted on the suggestion and it is to bo hoped the province will endorse the idea. There-would be fnany advantages lo having a provincial park in this particular- region! First, it would be close to thd metro area and fast growing areas such as Newmarket, Aurora and Richmond Hill. At least three major roads pass close to the proposed site, namely Highway 11, 27, and 401. It would also be close to the proposed east-west highway to cross between Schomberg and Peterboro. The proposed park would , benefit 'ocal- businessmen in many ways The Glenville area 1 with its rolling hills, ski trails and bushl'.nd would make an ideal park location. The Upper Holland Valley Authority reported many im- ' provements at Anchor Park, Holland Landings as well as the Whitchurch Township Park at-Vandorf. The improved provincial park at Sibbald's Point. Lake Simcoc, drew more visitors than evef"'before". Tremendous growth in the ' number of provincial parks has been reported over the last ; three years. Less than five i years ago Ontario bad only six ' widely separated parks. The : two main ones were Algonquin and yQuc-tic . in Northwestern Ontario." " . The province now has-73 parks ' as well as nbout a score of other 1 areas set aside, to provide for ; future needs. It is to be hoped the Lands-Forests Department will take a good look at the Glenville area and"will consider it a most suitable location for a parr Jr. • . Newmarket Horticultural Society, in co-operation with the town \v^ks_degju-t_mcntjimler_. - the_siipeT('ision of Fredv Evansi : -Iws-^-plantedâ€"over "-5eo-'-fro?rf- in -New subdivision areas of lownr It is to be hoped-this program will continue in the years to come. _ - ' _ _ . _ ' I The Society has also built a number of attractive flower beds in various areas of town in , iheir beaulification program. These plots have been greatly appreciated by town citizens and' the society has received warm praise • on" all sides forâ€"theii' work in this regard. • A project, to plnce ne\v town entrance signs was started last "fall .under- the, Roads-Bridges 'Committee. Newmarket arclii- • lect FraseT Milne' is designing the -signs ;and_Jiopes-to-have-«:ome- thfng new ,and" difference for.! the "r5mmj.fieels.___consulei-atioii | early in."1960. It has been suggested loo that Main avenuesâ€"such"as Kagle St.. - -Davisâ€"Drive 'andâ€"Goi-h.miâ€"St^-â-  he considered for beaulification bv planting ro'ivs.'of distinctive • roe.-:, alone, both sides" "of these. ;tve6ls." The, suggestion _ Titnnt^l^niau- V^d . mnplf" and . : Wliilf lim'liX .â€"'â€"--• - -•--- ^'Our. c'omfilunity h'as done Well „'-ofâ€"thc-F^sti'yâ€"fialic:. development program -and" the befiUlificaTion program so let.'s continue ihe Work in" 1960. . While jii.tle can be (lone at the mbment, until Nevvmarkel - Sewage., Disposal ; plant is buill. . towards : cleaning up Hie .canal, .. j'-t's .commence" in; 1 QUO. to;make iilaiis' "for" llie e'lean-up of. Ibis Dhrtibn of • the Hrilland Uiven i;vcr\\ citizen in this-iuea would bcncfll from' such '"a- project! it • wouldV provide swiminfiVg, . fish1/ 'â- :. ing; *^oMin^ajld_liie-lalldâ€"aiong. - -the cw'SI- 'banks"right-".through to thr/Cook's Ray "eoiild .bccofric M (-one J/ng conse't-vnl ion area. Ontario Agriculture Requests Stability Rural Ontario presented its views and suggestions current farms problems recently to Premier Leslie Frost and his Cabinet. The presentation was in the form of the annual brief of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and was attended by the OFA board of governors. Vice President William Tilden, Harriston, read the brief. The brief-dealt with the prob-, lem the farmers have i.r* maintaining . an economic stability. "If the public devices ((arm supports, for example) employed to achieve a greater stability in agriculture have seemed not lo hit tfm-inark squarefy, the faiitt -has been with the programmes the mi. selves or their application, uoi" because they were not needed." ' The brief stilted thai among ll<vv inost significant problems in .'igri-culture, is tfic ge'ariiig of the production to-t}emand.- It indicated that production controls, might be an answer. ' Among the many resolutions brought forward from the annual convention held' in' Toronto was a resolution dealing with marketing and " production control. Although,production control was ultimately -national .in approach, the Brief indicated, initial sleps __^^_ V- . -' - --------' - X "r- JllUst ".bpâ€"pro\Jiricial/ ;The^- brief "" Hskcd,-fof earnest ahd: iiYjincdiatf,".. considevation "of ihisi from the " government. -^'fâ€" " ;.' asked for r.n-a.tlii'matiorir^jf th&viarm pro-â€" duct marketing legislation pnhci- -' pics,.'and asked for. creased public appropriations for market resssrcii, to' be under--(iikeh by agricultural cblleges and agi'iciVTlural cVoncjmics de-parlntent, . ' -.-,â- .• • • Loss leader selling, which has -"been criticized at the OFA annual convention by farm . delegates, was discussed in the brief and the government requested to legislate against the practice where it affected farm products. Premier Frost, 'thanked' the-OFA for its-briof. .but-was- nnn- -committal on the requests... Know Your Community. Read The Era and Express. Business & Professional Services ACCOUNTANT A; A, CONLIN -4 7 4 -Bot sf ord-Sj,,^ Chartered Accountant I'HONE 'I'W 5-2372 NKWMARKKT EARL G. BLACK B. Comm., R.I.A.. C.A/ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANI 95 Kifcshlre Rd. N» ' WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO ---^Ili iekotyr; 4-9200------ LEONARD R, ROSENBERG B. COM ' - . CHARtEREO ACCOUN1AN1 Telephones: __Siittoii: PA 2-3602 Aurora: PA 7-4512 Cossar, Harper and Co. --Chartered-Accountants !55A MAIN ST., NEWMARKET -TKLI-PHONR-TW-S-fiGOlâ€"â€" ) D. [acksoji, C.A. ' Resident Partner Telephone T\V 5-4096 LEGAL Donald F. Downey, Q.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR & NOTARY , 145 Main Street.. • Newmarket, Ontario Office TWlnlng 5-2162 -Residence PArkview 7-5205 A. M. MILLS BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC 208A Main St. Newmarket I'lIONE TW 5-2911, FLOYD E. CORNER, Q.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC The Bank of Nova Scotia Biiiidiagr- , AURORA, ONTARIO J -Teisph ones Offiee-PA^SOSS- T. A. M. HULSE, (B.A.) Q.C. -; . --Barrister, Solicitor - Notarjr-Public,-Etc. .: - â€" AURORA rilONE PA 7-4051 • 25 Wellington St. E. Stiver, Vale, Peppiatt and Errington BARRISTERS, SOLlC'TOKS x NOTARIES K. M. R. Stiver, Q.C. .... ; Joseph Vale, Q.C. X M. Peppiatt, B.A. , : Wnitfm-EmiigtoiiiB.Com. * Marian J. Lamc.v. Q.C. 195A MAIN ST. - _Phj TW 5-4571, Newmarket, Ont. VIOLET ROBINSON-MacNAUGHTON NOTARY PUBLIC r- _. . .- _ . . f'nnvnyanr'inp -_;â€"InsluanCOâ€" iT> liotsford St. Phone TW 5:2011 ~â€"NfcwrnafKef"""' DENTAL DR. G. KELLY : " • ----f ; Vâ€" -.)..._, DENTIST 154 Vtcloiia Street, -(Newmarket. -;-S~;p'hon'6 TW 5-1191 . DR. c. E: VANDERV00RT 1 DENTIST 1 ins Eagle >st..<. '- Ncwniatkct Phone TW 5-K272 - Dr. J. W. Bartholomew. , "•-" ____UJKXTIST _______ m- • ; â- â€"----- ----- ------ â€" •'â-  •- j " '.'"^H."â€" Cornrr .<»"f b'Arcy and Eagle St. Plionc TW 5-6271, Ncivnmrkct INSURANCE INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE, FIRE LIABILITY, LIFE Geo. W. McCullough . . 25ft Ilclmer Ave. Tel. TW 5-6331 N'cwinarket â€"__â- â€""-j CHAS. N. WILLIAMS ^ INSURANCE' 352 Bqtsford St. Newmarket PHONE TW 5-2591 (formerly J. E.' J'arvis Agency) 'â-  Life, Fire,' Auto, Liability DOMINION LIFE Representative Pension, Term, Estate Planning INSURANCE LOW RATES BILL McINTYRE v 465 TIMOTHY ST. . NEWMARKET, ONT. PHONE TW. 5-4141;., MISCELLANEOUS CHAS ABEL FAST "v: ; COLOR PHOTO FINISHING ROBINS PHARMACY l (formerly-Jwahe's) : 191 MAIN ST. ' NEWMARKET |» PRESCRIPTIONS 1> â-  ' OUR SPECIALTY .'^T7 ROBINS PHARMACY (formerly Lane'S) â€".â€"rOpchâ€"KvtFyâ€"Moiiday- WE PICK ur AND DELIVER PHONE TW 5-2411 - MODERN' EQUIPMENT CLEANING' and PUMI'INC. OUT CESSPOOLS LZii^AM^CATANl^^ • * • â-  - '. • • * • . , for â€" .. . ^ SEPTIC TANKS Phone PR 5-2385 Bradford ROADHOUSE &• ROSE; ' 'fOl^ERAL SERVICE ROcincy'R.-Ecoliichoh' Funeral.Director Wriv 'Plavtcr. - Donald R. Rose 157 MAIN ST;."NEWMARKET -â-  TW 5.-6631 , - . , DRUG STORE NOTICE SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 ROBINS' PHARMACY TW'5-2411 â€"-Store open"l.*-?:-5 â- ' January .11 .--January .16 -Robins^ Pharmacy • Store open" till 8 p.m.. . I ERA & EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS HOURS:â€" 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. I-"1 ~ \V cil ires<1 a vâ€"10 ^\7nvr d crrd 11 n-- WELDING Van Der Kleyn's OAS ELECTRIC PORTABLE- â€" SHOP .WORK Railings â€" Columns, Ete. One lot north ot Graham Sidc-road on Con. 2, King Phone Newmarket TW 5-4417 RUG - UPHOLSTERY .CLEANING Quality work at economy-prices' " For estimate on your needs, call " ROYAL CLEANERS - NEWMARKET TW 5-9947 LAND SURVEYOR John C. Moore, 0;L.S. OFFICE:. 157 Davis Drive West (Ward & Allan Bldg.) RES.: 35 Lundy's Lane , Newmarket TW 5-4903 McCaffrey's FOR. EVERY OCCASION; 7T -Flowers Telegraphed -All Over the World: - , 250 MAIN STREET ' : N.K WM A. R Xi .T ~ ~PHt>iie-tWf§-4862 PERRINS Flower/Shop Member Florists Telegraph Dolivery Association ^' Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL; FLOWERS - A Specialty : ; .... • risniairi St. - Newmarket jpjione TW 5-2962 C AT S PAIKL£SSt>T-IIESTB0TS (vr ........' norw Aiuut «nt(t sam . jonct yiwxr. out *itx.r» _____ . -:i'K â€" _,. .V--w # . _ n cMJTSM - - RENT AN UNDERWjOOI) C l'rbln .UNDERWOOD ' Rental Department. 135 ViclorlAi Si'. Toronto' . '-'---^ERi -i-7431'. Reasonable Rates-;'_^'r Promjit" Delivery^"

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